
Sunday, October 17, 2021

Where are the Cobweb and Stripes Reviews? Well, they're over, sadly

Wow. How long has it been since I've done one of these reviews? -Looks at the archive. Eyes bug out when I see the date- May 2018! Surprising to say, people actually still read these reviews, so almost two years later, let me proudly give you the continuation of this review. 

The Story/The Review: 

Hold on a second. Have to reread a couple pages to get my bearings. Ah-ha! There. All caught up. 

To repeat the last thing I said in the previous review, Beetlejuice said that the Afterlife is a reflection of how the living perceive it. Basically, if it's shitty, the afterlife will be too. He also says that religious people were driven nuts because this wasn't Heaven and it certainly didn't have the hellfire and brimstone of Hell, so what was it? Lydia asks if that means are religions are wrong and Beetlejuice says, he didn't say that. Maybe one person's right and the other is wrong, but he doesn't care too much anyway. 


Update: Well, I got this far and stopped working on this review. Real life is a bitch, folks, amirite? I started working on this review a few months ago and during the process of the review I found that Ada, the artist behind this comic, pretty much doesn't exist anymore. The Facebook page is gone and it appears she also recently deleted the Deviantart page as well, which as of now, was my only source to keep doing these reviews. I was going to get back to work and then I noticed something strange, the images I had in this review weren't showing up anymore and that's when my heart sank, because I knew she deleted her Deviantart account. The question is, why? Of course. I mean, in the end, it's her choice. I know writing and drawing Cobweb and Stripes just wasn't her thing anymore and she probably wanted to move onto different aspirations. She's definitely talented, but it is sad that she just up and deleted everything when she had a fan base for this comic. Now, of course when I originally read that she was stopping production on the comic and felt she may never get back to it, I was sad, of course, but I understand as a writer, who wants to explore different subjects, you don't want to be pigeonholed into one genre. You want to expand and explore new horizons, or your own horizons. The problem with dealing with an already established IP that's not yours is that you have to follow a certain set of rules to appeal to the masses who love that movie, book, show, what have you, and Ada did magnificently, in my opinion. And her own spins she put on the Beetlejuice story were accepted by fans. I loved Cobweb and Stripes, it was a rare Beetlejuice fan fiction that I really enjoyed and wanted to see where she at least stopped the story to see where she took it. But ... unless she posts it all up again, we may never know. 

Anyway, to Ada, who I doubt will see this, but if she does, I appreciate talking to you and I hope you deleting all of this comic isn't a sign of disgust at what you did, because you did have fans of it. I, being one of the biggest supporters. Hopefully you're in a good place and from time to time I'll try looking to see if you're somewhere else doing what you do best and that is being creative. Hopefully someday you'll bring it back and introduce new fans to the Ghost with the Most. Take care. 

Read my other reviews on Cobweb and Stripes: 

For more Cobweb and Stripes, check out these destinations. 


Beetlejuice Related Reading Material 

Nice *Bleeping* Sequel! (A blog I wrote when news was running rampant about a Beetlejuice sequel)

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