
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Will I Ever Return to the Newspapers?

For those of you who don't know, Scared Sheetless was originally a newspaper column. It has been featured in three different papers. Northcountry News, Trendy Times, and the White Mountain Shopper. In 2012 I stopped completely, because of my grandfather passing away, and I just lost interest. Besides, he was the only reader who actually gave me reviews on my articles. None of my other family members ever read my stuff, except for maybe a few I can't remember. But losing him made me lose interest in writing, the newspapers, and Scared Sheetless itself.

Yes, for the most part, this blog is still going and still actually has readers. Mind you, it's nowhere near it was when I was pumping out new material on a weekly, sometimes, daily basis, but it still get's a good share of viewers. Which boggles my mind, as I haven't really paid attention to this blog in a few years now. I stop by every now and then to read some old stuff, but other than that, this blog has cobwebs.

I did make a brief return to newspapers back in 2018 (I think), where I sent my original mainstay, Northcountry News, a few articles in time for Halloween, but other than that, I haven't been featured on the black and white in quite a while. Which brings me to this question: will I ever come back?

The short answer is: maybe. The thing is when Scared Sheetless was going hot it was because the paranormal was very popular. But now, it's gone back to people are only interested in October for Halloween and that's it. I believe a while ago I tried to ask Gary, the owner of Trendy Times, if I could return and he kind of brushed me off (or at least that's how I recall. I could be wrong) and it was probably for the better. My heart hasn't really been in the paranormal for quite a long time. But I do have spurts when I wouldn't mind getting back into it and finding my love for it again.

It could be fun, but we'll see.

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