Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What Are Ley Lines? By Jennifer Scelsi of CSI: Paranormal

Ley lines are made up of a grid of the earth's energy that runs the planet. It is believed that ancient people were aware of these lines and built their monuments and sometimes their temples where they felt that ley lines had some significance. Stonehenge is a prime example of this.There are ley lines that run through Stonehenge, and the people who built it didn't put it there by accident.
As for ley lines and paranormal activity: a few years ago paranormal researchers would have scoffed at such an idea, but things are changing. Some people believe that there are negative and positive ley lines in order to maintain a balance.

A negative ley line could make someone feel uneasy or just "not feel right." Does this mean that there is a negative spirit or ghost there? Not at all. it is just the human body reacting to the negative energy from that particular ley line.

While we're on the subject of the geopathic, many people believe that poltergiest activity or other forms of paranormal activity are stronger if there's water nearby.The water could be in the form of a lake, an old well, an underground stream, or any other place water can and does accumulate. Still others believe that the effects of water lines on the human body and brain could play a large role in why some people perceive paranormal activity to be more prevalent near a water line. Many people who have stood over a waterline have reported feeling a heaviness in different parts of their body, particularly in their extemities such as their arms and legs. Others have felt like they are standing in syrup, or have experienced a slow warm feeling.

Water lines and ley lines can affect people in different ways. So, it would stand to reason because ley lines and water lines are a form of energy, they could affect the behavior of ghosts as well because ghosts are made up of energy.

It's also a possibility that paranormal activity could be increased if you live near a ley line. Because it's widely accepted that ghosts and spirits are made up of energy, and ley lines are composed of energy, then a ghost or spirit could be more attracted to a large energy source.

Everything a ghost or spirit does requires energy. It needs energy to move objects, slam doors, and so on. Normally a ghost would draw the energy it needs from the people around; it's entirely possible that if a ghost is by a ley line, it would have unlimited amount of energy to draw off of and therefore would be able to be more active, which logically would increase the amount of paranormal activity in that area.

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