For those who don't know, it was recently announced that Jason Reitman - the son of the original Ghostbusters films director, Ivan Reitman - will be making a sequel to the original Ghostbusters. And I know, when I first heard it, I was just thinking, "Yep. Another Ghostubusters in Hell. Another Dan Aykroyd GB sequel pipe dream."
BUT ...
Yes, there's finally a but, and it's a nice, positive but. Unlike the other sequel rumors, this one actually has a teaser out. Not a fan made one. An actual, from Sony Pictures, teaser. And it's pretty damn awesome too.
It could be just me, but that tiny teaser was a hell of a lot better than the two or three minute teaser for Ghostbusters: Answer the Call. I know. When are we going to stop beating the dead, ugly horse? Apparently never. I would say, it's kind of this generation's Super Mario Bros punching bag.
But now there's hope! It's the original Ecto-1, it sounded like someone was messing with an original Proton Pack. Again, there's hope that we're finally going to get a good and true Ghostbusters sequel that should have been made in the first place. People are rejoicing! Finally! There's a glimmer of hope that the boys will bust one last time before taking the Ecto-1 into the sunset. Of course, that sunset needs to be accompanied by New York being destroyed or else it wouldn't be the end of a Ghostbusters movie now would it?
But to the matter at hand. Leslie Jones, one of the co-stars from Answer the Call, is not too happy to say the least. She went on a Tweet size rant about her disapproval and is blaming it on ...
And sexists ... Okay, I'm not surprised by that one considering all the shit they flung at us when their movie came out. "They don't like our movie, because they're all misogynist, patriarchy pigs!"
My response ...

Here's her Tweet:
"So insulting. Like fuck us. We dint count. It’s like something trump would do. (Trump voice)”Gonna redo ghostbusteeeeers, better with men, will be huge. Those women ain’t ghostbusteeeeers” ugh so annoying. Such a dick move. And I don’t give fuck I’m saying something!!"
Okay, first of all, not defending Trump, but I don't think the President has a say over what movies are made and what not, considering there's like a liberal/left-wing movie coming out every month it seems now. So, I highly doubt he has anything to do with it. I get it. Your Hollywood and these days, the finger pointing is at white, straight men.
But has it ever occurred to you that your movie just simply wasn't good? Sure. The original Ghostbusters set the bar pretty high to begin with and I understand that. Ghostbusters 2 couldn't compete with the original, even though I personally love GB2 and think it's highly underrated, but that could be just the kid in me.
Wait. That's it!
The kid in all of us is expecting what we loved as a kid. When we first heard a new Ghostbusters was coming out, we were excited. They were showing promo's for the new gadgets and, hey, it kind of looked a little Extreme Ghostbusters-ish, but hell, I liked Extreme Ghostbusters as well, so I was stoked! And then I read that there were going to be some new Ghostbusters. Okay. That's cool. We can't expect the boys to keep doing it forever. They've aged and have seen better days, but it would be nice to see them again. It's like the new Star Wars. People were ecstatic when the old characters showed up in the trailer and were going to be in the movie. Maybe we'll see it here!
But then they revealed more and that's when things turned sour.
They said this was going to be a remake and the original movies were basically going to be ignored. Once there was backlash for that, they said, "Oh, there will be nods to the original." Even more flack. We wanted the originals. We felt it was disrespectful to just write off the original movies when they have such a special place in our hearts. Which brings me to my first point of why we're not going to see the folks from Answer the Call ... because it was ignored. It wouldn't make sense to bring them in, because according to Feigbusters, Ghostbusters never existed. I mean, with the way things are now, I wouldn't be surprised, but still pissed, if they found a way to shoehorn Answer the Call in. Still wouldn't make sense, but to appeal to a small minority of bitching people, they'd probably do it.
Moving on ...
"We have the surviving Ghostbusters coming back! ... But their roles are going to be meaningless extras." It was like an earthquake of mistakes and it was obvious that Paul Feig didn't understand our love for Ghostbusters and only saw this as a cash grab. Plus, it doesn't help that a lot of his movies are basically same shit, just change the title of the movie. Cookie cutter nonsense that has plagued Hollywood for the past 20 years.
But because we're in the time where if you don't like something just because there's women in it, or black people, or this or that, that means you're a sexist, racist, etc. etc. insert latest buzzword here. It didn't help matters when pretty much the whole cast and Paul Feig himself were blowing up at fans, calling them sexists, without even bothering to really hear our concerns.
And then the movie came out and it got a five star review! Okay, probably on Huffington Post and any site that suffers from severe White Male Guilt Syndrome. No. The reviews were ... lukewarm at best. Basically the only aspects people loved was Kate McKinnon's character, though I have no idea why they say she's "Egon-like." Eh, maybe it's The Real Ghostbusters Egon hairstyle? She acted nothing like him, but okay.
But with that said, because the reviews weren't that great, does that mean all those millions and millions of people who went to the theaters to give the movie a try, are all sexists? Including the women who voiced their bitter taste for Answer the Call? Or is it because you don't want to come to terms that you were a part of a shit movie? I'm willing to bet it's the latter. Although, Feig would later eat crow and made a somewhat apology to the fans about calling them sexists, but like I said, it came off as half-assed.
But what a bunch of missed opportunities! This movie had all the tools to make a passing of the torch flick. Paul Feig had all the remaining originals come back and what did he do? Completely ignored the previous movies like they never existed and made them extras. Totally insulting. Despite in the trailer, where it said, "Thirty years ago, four scientists would save New York ..." you know. That one. When I saw that, I was excited. I was like, you know, it would be funny if he was trolling us all along and this is a sequel/reboot. I would've been fine with that, but of course, that didn't happen.
What we got was a movie that just had Ghostbusters in the title.
We didn't get the originals, they completely erased them from existence.
Ghosts that looked like neon-signs. Generic, copy-paste humor that we've seen in a million other cookie-cutter "comedies" that only people who watch Hallmark movies would find amusing. Which is also funny, because I read about 90% of the lines were improvised by the cast. Wow. That's ... not good.
Bland characters that had no dynamic, other than maybe one or two exceptions.
A movie that seemed like it was a ploy to be P.C. by swapping the genders, even though TRUE equality would be to have two men and two women Ghostbusters, but no, that's too logical to grasp.
And then there's Leslie Jones, who preaches about racism and sexism, yet the director she gave so much praise, demoted her to a stereotypical "sassy, black girl" character.
And when the shit hit the fan, they insulted the majority of fans who've been yearning for a new Ghostbusters movie since the end of part two.
In end, and to put it bluntly, your movie failed to deliver, because you had an incompetent director who didn't know a Proton Pack from a stun-gun. You insulted the fans for having an opinion that was different than yours, which is not mature in the slightest, and made you look like spoiled-brat children who's movie will be in time-out ... permanently.
You had your chance. Now it's time to do it the right way.
The male way.
Yes, of course, I'm kidding, but I bet it pissed someone off.
Seriously though, the original Ghostbusters, the franchise as a whole, the tons of die hard fans who make props from the movie, who watch it religiously, the great assemble cast, the crew behind it, the music, deserve so much more for being the classic movie we all know and love.
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