Monday, February 9, 2015

FemBusters - Lovers vs. Haters

The news about Paul Feig's Ghostbusters all female cast is swirling around the internet like a big jello mold (Ghostbusters II reference). Kirsten Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, and two other actresses I have no clue of, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones are set to be in it. (To the ones I said I have no clue of) I'm sure you're great actresses, I'm sorry, I just don't know you! They're taking the reigns from the four and only Ghostbusters we all know and love. But money talks and Ghostbusters is a big money maker.

I'm not going to be immature and say that the Lovers are not true Ghostbusters fans. That's a stupid statement. Every fan has their own different outlook of how the franchise should be handled. It doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it their opinion, and opinions geared towards movies should not warrant a war on the internet! Even though they do. The Lovers want to give it a chance and actually that's a great outlook. I commend them for giving it a chance. I may not agree with rebooting Ghostbusters, but to each their own.

What annoys me about the Lovers is that they think all the Haters are either sexists or hard up on keeping their childhood memories alive. Are over obsessive fanboys. I mean, the list goes on. That's what irritates me as a Hater, because my reasons (well, maybe except for one of them) are not like that at all.

It's fine that you're okay with it and want to give it a chance. I wanted to give it a chance as seen in this article (though my idea was making this a TV show and not a movie - still thinks it's a good idea). But over the course of the Sony hacks and hearing other stuff about the movie, I just don't care anymore.

Some people are bashing the storyline. Apparently, according to some sources, the antagonist is going to be this murderer who was sentenced to death by the electric chair and can control ghosts. Some people hate this idea. I don't hate it. Is it the best idea? No, but it works, right? No. Probably. I'm not sure.

And I understand the Lovers observation that the Haters have been begging for a Ghostbusters III and now we're getting a whole new adventure, but we hate it. It boggles the Lovers minds and I can understand that. Really. I can. The main reason why the Haters hate it is because it doesn't have the originals and the fact that Paul Feig is going to ignore the first movie is idiotic if you ask me.

Does this have to be a sequel? Absolutely not. But I think they can still make it a part of the Ghostbusters universe and making references to the first two movies. Otherwise, in my opinion, you're crapping all over the Ghostbusters franchise by ignoring what made people fans in the first place. I also think that having one or two of the originals could help sell it. Both Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson approve, so why not scrap the "ignoring the originals" bullshit idea and ask one or even both of them to join the cast. Aykroyd at one time stated that the original plans for Ghostbusters III was to hand off the reigns to a new cast. This could be his chance!

Unless, but I doubt it, that's been the plan all along. Let the internet go into a massive shit-fit because of this and in a way troll the fans that this won't have anything to do with the originals. Only to have the remaining original cast show up and hand the Proton Packs to a new group. If that WAS the case (again, I highly doubt it) then I would be all over this like a little Ray Stantz all over Stay Puft Marshmellows at Camp Waconda. I'm sure it's not, but trolling the fans would be wicked funny.

Some people think that if this movie tanks that it will tarnish the Ghostbusters legacy. I don't think so. If anything it will make people love the first two movies even more (yes, even Ghostbusters II). It's like when I first heard about this, I was pissed. I jumped the gun and yelled in my head, "This is going to fail!" But I can't tell the future and as much as the Haters think they're box office experts, they can't either. The future of Ghostbusters as of now is a mystery. We know another one is coming, but we don't know if it's going to help the franchise or be a black eye.

I think most of us Haters are just scared. We don't want to let go of our past, because we were happy with it. I do agree that Ghostbusters doesn't need a reboot. Nor does Jaws, nor does Back to the Future or any other classic movie. They're classics for a reason, because no matter how hard people try, they will never be able to imitate it. But Hollywood is all out of ideas, it's obvious. Reboots, sequels to movies that are almost 30 years old (Beetlejuice), unneeded sequels (any Transformer movie), or whatever. I mean, as a big fan of the 80's and 90's, I should be thrilled that there is an interest in movies I hold near and dear to my heart. But we never asked for reboots. Some people like it and good for you. I don't agree with that, but that's your opinion. Some movies, especially the classics, should NEVER be remade. I don't mind long-waited sequels (like Beetlejuice or Jurassic World - which actually looks pretty good), because it's not taking away from the original.

I should just stop really, because no matter how many Lovers or Haters read this, it's like beating a concrete wall with your bare hands. Peoples minds have been made up. My mind is made up. This movie is coming out, whether we love it or hate, and people are going to see it. It may be a blockbuster, but it may flop. But do know this: whether it's a blockbuster smash or bust, the original Ghostbusters will live on as the legends they've always been.


Now for a fun part!

People have been making some pretty funny memes about their displeasure on the new Ghostbusters movie.

Note: A lot of people are not going to get this. Being a former wrestling fan, I can tell you: back when Chris Jericho was in WCW, he was feuding with Dean Malenko, also known as the man of a 1,000 holds. So, Chris Jericho made this famous promo that insisted he knows four more moves than Malenko. Pretty funny if you were a fan at the time. 

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