Monday, July 1, 2013

That's Not Paranormal: Keep Your Two Cents

That’s Not Paranormal!
Keep Your Two Cents

My friend Dennis always tells me that I need thicker skin and no matter how hard I try to follow that simple saying, I can’t do it. The internet, TV, and everything media has tons of great marvels if you really look out for them. But yet again, if you get depressed easily or offended, then it is not the best of places to be around. Everyone feels the need to voice their opinions even if its derogatory and harmful towards ones emotions.

I have never been one to pick on anyone because they’re different than me or they’re “inferior” to me. I don’t have an ego about myself, nor am I ignorant enough to do that. I don’t preach up and down about being nice to mentally challenged people and then turn around and call someone a retard. I absolutely reframe from picking on ones weight because I myself have a weight problem as well. But yet again, I see people, friends and family included, who will bash fat people right in front of me. Most of these people are big themselves too, which confuses the hell out of me. Guess their mirrors are broken.

I can take a joke, I can take the heat and dish it out, but I can’t just pick on someone to be an asshole. I refuse to. I don’t believe in karma, but I do believe that there is just so much hate out there that me adding to the fire is stupid. I don’t like being mean. I will be a jerk if tempted. I do believe you need to stick it to people who deserve it, but I am not going to be mean to someone just because. Which is what everyone and their mother is doing right now.

I go by simple guidelines:
If I don’t like – I don’t talk to you. Unless you talk to me, then I will be polite, but don’t expect anything more. Unless I can’t completely stand you, then well, you’re dead to me. That list is very short though.

I treat others the way I want to be treated. If I joke around with you, that means I like you. That does not mean I am trying to mean or malicious. I usually let people know I am playing around. If I’m nice to you, then I expect the same treatment back.

I stay away from anything that can cause me emotional or mental harm. That means I reframe from watching most television (because mainly that’s reality TV and that is pretty much the lowest form of TV out there). I tend to stay away from negative movies, unless it has a good moral lesson. However, I do watch a lot of slapstick comedies or shows like South Park, so basically there is a hole in this rule. Sometimes I’m willing to let things slide.

Facebook is a great place to meet great people. However, it is also a stomping ground to hear bitching, moaning, complaining, hatred, black mailing, scuttlebutt. There is a lot of negative energy on Facebook. Most of the time, if someone posts something that I do not like; for example: I despise anything to do with politics. I’m talking everything. That means: government, any branch of it – democrat, republican, liberal…EVERYTHING. So that does mean that I want to hear about Obama or anyone else. I simply don’t give a damn. I HATE politics with an immense passion. Why? Because it is always negative. Barely ever does anything come out positive with politics. So if you post a lot of politic related post, I won’t delete you, but I unfollow you. I stand firm in staying away from that crap. And I decided that once I replied to someone on Facebook about what I think about Obama and suddenly the wolves came out, started calling me pigheaded, racists, blah, blah, blah. So I have denounced anything to do with politics, because people whose lives revolves around that are mostly idiots. Same with the clowns in Washington. On that note: Hey NSA! How’s the spying bizz going? Oh and by the way, suck it, bitches. See, that’s an example of where I think it’s okay to insult someone. I do not care for my life to be spied on. Get a better hobby.

I tend to not like pages on Facebook. Particularly comedy pages or pages who have to do with posting selfies. The reason is: comedy is mostly dead. Comedy now is not like it was during the days of Rodney Dangerfield, who is still one of my favorite comedians. Comedy today is offensive and is only out there to hurt peoples feelings. I tend to stay away from it. Pages who post photos of beautiful women tend to have people post self taken photos of themselves, where they will say something like “Smash or Pass.” Now its different with men and women. Most women, even if they’re not model status, people will say “Smash,” which I guess is a cover way of saying, “Fuck.” But you get a man on there, and if the man doesn’t have a six pack and doesn’t look like Bradley Cooper than you will get people going: “Eww,” “Sorry, but no,” like saying sorry is going to make someone feel better, or anything like that. However, on that same note, if you’re going to post photos of yourself and ask the general population (which is, in my opinion, made of filth, douchebags, and twats) then you should face the consequences. But when people say mean stuff like that, and if some of those people are friends, then I think, “What do they think of me then?”

This is one of the main reasons why I have trust issues. I do not believe half the crap that people tell me. Don’t kiss my ass, I will not believe you. The world is full of hatred and if you have very thin skin such as me then you will see that. I am young, so that thick skin still hasn’t callused yet, maybe that’s why. But I have always been a very emotional and very self conscious person. I’m a fat guy, bluntly to say, and most of the general population has a very thorn like opinion towards large set people. So that’s why I feel that’s the reason why I have such an obscure, or clear, opinion on people. I tend to worry too much about what everyone thinks about me, because I will see these same people bash a person just like me. Some days I just want to take a gun and paint the walls red. That’s a part of my mind I tend to like to stay away from. Other than that, most days I’m pretty happy. Everyone has their dark sides though.

I have mine.

Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you call someone ugly, stupid, fat, retarded, then you should expect harmful sayings towards you. But if your whole life revolves around insulting people, than well … go fuck yourself, basically.

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