Sunday, June 30, 2013

Two Articles by Jennifer Scelsi: Pray to Whomever/Use Holy Water

Pray to Whomever You Believe In
By Jennifer Scelsi of CSI: Paranormal

Whether you believe in God, the Goddess, Buddha, Allah or if you simply want to pray to your ancestors or family members who have passed away; when dealing with a spirit it can't hurt to enlist the help of loving spirits. They may be able to help the ghost find its way to the other side or be effective in convincing it to leave you alone.

Use Holy Water

You can take a small, clean container with a lid and respectfully go to a church and fill it with Holy Water. Go around your house and put a bit of holy water on your finger and make the sign of the cross on every door frame.

When you make the cross with the holy water, you can say:

"I bless and clean this space in the name of the Lord." 

Or you can use any other prayer if you wish. If you are not particularly religious, you may want to say a mantra that goes, "I order any spirits in this space to leave."

The trick to completing this task properly is to really believe with all your heart what you're doing and saying. So if you are not comfortable with saying a prayer, use a mantra, and vice versa. Be firm and assertive in your tone. There's no need to yell, but if you project a calm, assertive energy and truly mean what you're saying, the use of holy water can be very effective in ridding your home of spirits.

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