Monday, June 3, 2013

Can Ghosts Communicate With Us Aside from EVP? by Jennifer Scelsi of CSI: Paranormal

Scared Sheetless Note: I got permission from Jennifer to publish her articles on this site. Some of her articles are pretty short, but sweet. You will be seeing more from Jennifer on this site in the very near future. Enjoy!
Yes. Ghosts try to communicate with us in many different ways. They make noises to get our attention; they can appear as an apparition; and they can use odors to appear in a room that may or may not remind us of the person the ghost once was.

Ghosts might also leave a small gift of something they owned when they were alive where you can easily find it.

You may get chills, get touched, or receive a hug.

In some cases, you could have what you perceive to be a dream of the person in which you carry on an entire conversation with your loved one who has passed. Lights in your home go on and off; the phone or doorbell ring and yet no one's there; or you could see an impression on a piece of furniture as if someone were sitting on it.

Sometimes a spirit might hide some of your personal objects or move them to another location to get your attention. You may even see some objects move around your home, although that could be a very extreme case.

For example the relocation of some of my personal items have been moved and still do get moved all to get my attention! Thank God it is not something dark or inhuman, but more or less a prankster or two. My most recent was when my black tourmaline went missing. I keep it in a jewelery box and when I feel the need to wear it I get it out of this box. Well it went missing 3 days ago and I tore my house apart looking for it and it was underneath my couch! I know I did not drop it on the floor as it was in my box. Needless to say, upon finding it I clearly heard "Do I have your attention now?"
So yes, they can communicate with us in many ways.

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