Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Are Dolls Really Haunted? by Jennifer Scelsi

A lot of merchandise on auction sites is advertised as being haunted, especially dolls. Are dolls and all this other merchandise really haunted?
By Jennifer Scelsi in CSI: Paranormal's One Paranormal

Some of the merchandise on auction sites can be being haunted, although I doubt all of it is. There are many people who collect "haunted" items and have huge collections of it. It is highly possible for a ghost or another type of entity to attach itself to a particular object, such as a doll, for example. Items like religious icons, statues, and other devotional objects have been reported to be charged with energy that some people believe to be a ghost of a departed loved one or a divine being such as an angel.

It is very common to find that most paranormal and haunted objects are antiques. This is because it can take a period of years for enough energy to build up to the point that the object can be considered "haunted." Also, in this case, haunted does not necessarily mean occupied by a ghost. The majority of the objects that are reported to be haunted really aren't, but they may be storing a large amount of energy they have gathered over time.

The theory is that everything on Earth is composed of some form of energy and that matter in any form is composed of various waves and frequencies, not unlike radio waves. This theory goes on to state that we are each affecting everything around us, through our thoughts, actions, and movements. This is called resonance, and is completely natural event that occurs everyday in our world.

When the human soul leaves its body, it is still able to affect things on Earth if it chooses to. So haunted objects have simply retained the energy of the people who once owned them. Through resonance, which again is a perfectly natural phenomenon.

If any object is truly haunted,then there is a trapped, confused, and possibly unfriendly spirit residing in that object. These spirits do not have the power to grant wishes or bring you wealth, no matter what some of the people selling them advertise. Think about it: if an object could bring wealth and grant wishes, then why is someone selling it?

I want to say a few more words about haunted dolls.

If you buy your child a doll at a garage sale, thrift store, or online auction site, and your child doesn't play with it often or tells you he or she is afraid of it, listen to her or him. Children can feel this type of thing more easily than adults can, and chances are if your child is telling you there is something wrong with that doll, then there is.

Get that doll or an other object you suspect may be haunted out of your home as soon as possible. There is no way to tell what type of ghost is trapped in the object, you could get a whole lot more trouble than you bargained for.


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