Friday, January 7, 2011

University of Vermont

University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
Written by James Paradie

Founded in 1791, the University of Vermont is the fifth oldest college in the United States, this 460 acre land not only has a high success rate for alumni, but is also home to some students who have never even left the campus. Inanimate objects being thrown, lights flickering on and off, doors opening and closing on their own accord have been reported happening on this very much alive school.

The "head" spirit of UVM is named Henry, a student who hung himself in the Converse Hall; some say it's because of bad grades were making him panic, others say he was overworked and alone, and then there's those who say he didn't even commit suicide and was electrocuted. Whichever the case may be, Henry's presence has been felt by currently enrolled students and former students alike; there's the usual indications of a haunting such as: lights flickering on and off, doors closing and opening, and objects being thrown by an unseen force, or messing with a radio. But, there's also other happenings, such as:

A Rocking Chair rocking by itself as if someone is sitting in it, mirrors being knocked off when their bolted into the wall, dorm rooms being rearranged when no ones in there, and a typewriter typing by itself, maybe it's trying to give someone a message from the grave? Even though people think that this is Henry, no reports have indicated of seeing the spirit of Henry, but one can only think that it must be him.

Henry isn't the only ghost who's stayed behind, other spirits have been known to vibrate the floor in the Continuing Education building. An elderly gentleman spirit has been seen gliding across the floor shimmering and shaking as if he's cold, he's also known to knock stuff over and make lights flicker. Other ghosts in this area reports that the ghost of a retired seaman, Captain Jacobs have been seen in the Center for Counseling and Testing.

Ever had that feeling that your being watched? How about being watched by a spirit? The spirit of a man is said to stalk female students in Simpson Hall, where whenever someone feels like their being watched, the room get's freezing cold, and there's feelings of someone being in bed with you when there's "no on there". Is there really no one there?

If your looking to become a success in the world, then going to UVM may be a great choice, but if your also looking for a scare, then it's a great choice. Until next time Graveyard Disciples, this has been another Scared Sheetless. Thanks for reading.

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