Monday, January 19, 2015

Personal Blog: Implantable Device for Weight Loss

I know this has nothing to do with the paranormal or Scared Sheetless' usual antics, but again, this is my blog and it does say PERSONAL blog. Keep that in mind.

News broke out that the FDA has approved a device that can be implanted into a person that can manipulate ones diet. Being a big guy who struggles with his weight, I think I have the right to weigh in on this new device.

Where do I sign up? Is the first thing that comes to mind. As stated before, being a big guy that struggles with his weight and is currently ongoing the biggest struggle in recent memory, I am all for this. The majority of people, those who are thin and have never had any issues with weight, tend to not understand big peoples struggles. Some would even claim that big people have no right to say they're struggling, which to that I would have a couple words for them. But this is not that type of personal blog to be dropping F bombs. This is hope for people like me. Hope for a better, longer life.

The only people who understand the issues some people go through is if they went through it themselves. Only a cancer patient knows what it's really like to have cancer. Only a drug addict knows how hard it is to quit a bad habit. The same should be said for those who suffer from obesity. And we do suffer. Emotionally and physically we endure and put up with a lot of stuff. People who've never been overweight don't understand it and they are the ones who judge us and automatically consider us bad people. They will yell, lazy, and maybe for some they are right. But some people can't help it. Have you ever tried doing a simple task when you're four-hundred pounds? It's not easy. I should know. Exercising isn't easy either. Between the harsh breathing, back and knee pains, I would think it would validate some people some peace. But unfortunately, only certain people are granted leverage.

Sorry if I'm veering from the point. Obesity is a very important topic to me. One that I think is misunderstood by the general public. A subject that I think falls on deaf ears and blind eyes. In other words, people are too quick to judge and refuse to put themselves in another's situation. Let's get to my point then.

The only way people can understand obesity is getting into the minds of those who had it or have it. Having it I can tell you that cravings are almost immortal. They're very hard to beat. Eating is like a drug to us. Having a bad day? A bag of chips can cure that, my mind tells me. Depressed about someone giving you crap about your weight? A sandwich can make you feel better. You get the picture or maybe you don't. Honestly, I'm done caring about arrogant peoples opinions about me and about what millions of others go through. If you get the point, good.

Having this device could really help people. I'd be a tester if I could be one, but they already did testing and it seems like they have a great product. Like I said, this could be a new chance for those who have dieted and failed miserably on numerous occasions. I do hope, however, that this isn't just smoke and mirrors.

If you're interested in reading the article that gave me the inspiration to do this blog, you can do so here.

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