Friday, June 14, 2013

Talk to Them by Jennifer Scelsi of CSI: Paranormal

Much has been written and shown on television about how to get rid of spirits or ghosts that have taken up residence in a person's home. Some of it I agree with, some of it ... not so much. It's been my experience that every situation is different and must be dealt with based upon the activity and the temperament of the spirit.

That being said, let's look at a few methods of possibly removing a spirit from your home. Please remember that none of these techniques are guaranteed to work, and the time may come when you will need to call for help.

If you can determine you are experiencing a residual haunting, there is really nothing you can do other than to let it run its course, and realize that there is not a ghost here. That it is really like a recording on loop! It is energy caught in time and will eventually fade away, or you can choose to move away.

While this may seem harsh, it is the truth. Remember, no one is being harmed so there is really no way to get rid of it with any method! 

As you know there are many different types of ghosts that can be present in an intelligent haunting situation. The methods to get rid of these ghosts are generally the same. Let's take a look at some of the most common ways to get rid of an unwanted house guest.

As simple as it sounds, talking to the ghost is generally the easiest way either to have the ghost leave or at least reach some type of compromise to cohabitate.

If you believe the spirit could be of the previous owner of your home, you can say something like, "I understand you loved your home and don't want to leave it. But it's our home now, and we will take very good care of it. You don't have to worry anymore, and you can go into the light and join your family on the other side now."

Keep in mind you may have to repeat yourself many times and make the message a little stronger each time.

This does not guarantee the ghost will leave, but it' the best place to start.

Remember that some ghosts don't know they're dead, and you may have to nicely explain to them that they no longer belong in the world of the living and it will be much better for them if they go into the light and cross over to the otherside.

After a few days or weeks with no results you can escalate your message to something like this, "This is our house and you are not wanted here! You need to get out now! Leave!" You can also use this technique for other types of ghosts that you feel may be negative.

The most important thing to do is be firm in your tone and manner. There is no need to yell and scream at the entity in order to get your point across. A ghost will not take you seriously if you act scared and frightened. Be assertive and proactive in reclaiming your home.

If you really don't mind the ghost in your home, but just wish it would not walk the floors at three a.m. then set ground rules and boundaries.

You could say, "We really don't mind if you're here, but could you not go into the children's rooms?"
You can substitute whatever you want the ghost to do or not to do.

As strange as this may sound, it does work and is your first line of defense in getting rid of unwanted ghosts or at the very least coming to an agreement.

A ghost or spirit may be afraid of being judged, or afraid of some type of punishment being exacted on it for the things it did while alive. If you you think that the entity you're dealing with may be feeling this way, let it know you understand it's feelings, and if they do leave they will be treated with love and kindness, and all will be forgiven for any actions and behaviors that happened while alive.

If it is on human\Demonic then go about getting help from clergy and a Demonologist do not under any circumstances try and rid you're home of this entity!

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