Shalene Gates is a friend of mine on Facebook, who is actually a paranormal investigator. Which lately the ones who have appeared on Madam Mortuary are strictly models or actresses, so this is a first. I asked Shalene if I could put her as the next one and she told me to go for it. Here's the mini bio she sent to me, written by her:
closest thing we have to a website is Gary's Paranormal Crossroads on
Facebook- we used to do investigations over at the Masonic Temple in
Zanesville Ohio.

the owners decided they were too religious for the paranormal lol and
banned us. I still have my office at the temple. I have investigated in:
Romania, Ohio, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania (various
places in all of those locations.)

Shalene with Joshua P. Warren. She has received several certificates from him and is one of his students.
have always had an interest in the strange but what pushed me into the
paranormal was when my best friend was tragically killed coming to visit
me at work- the incident disturbed me to the point of where
investigations were something that had to be done to feel a sense of
security knowing that she was still- "somewhere"

It's neat to visit a new location anymore- it's like meeting new people
with unique stories and quirks. Just minds without bodies.

Down boys, she has stated on Facebook that she is single, but she is married to her pet grooming business. She says right next to her passion for her business, she has an immense passion for the paranormal. Hopefully sometime she will be interested in talking to me about her personal experiences. Until next time, meet your newest addition to the Madam Mortuary...Shalene Gates!

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