Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hampton Court Palace Ghost

Paranormal Humor: What Ghosts Really Think

Paranormal Humor: Which Paranormal Show is Better?

Paranormal Humor: It's Tough to be a Spirit

Paranormal Humor: What About Orbs?

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

Paranormal Humor: Okay...Very Scary

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...


SS Note: Not sure if I posted this one or not, because it does look familiar. Oh well. 

Do You Give a Sheet?

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

Two Articles by Jennifer Scelsi: Pray to Whomever/Use Holy Water

Pray to Whomever You Believe In
By Jennifer Scelsi of CSI: Paranormal

Whether you believe in God, the Goddess, Buddha, Allah or if you simply want to pray to your ancestors or family members who have passed away; when dealing with a spirit it can't hurt to enlist the help of loving spirits. They may be able to help the ghost find its way to the other side or be effective in convincing it to leave you alone.

Use Holy Water

You can take a small, clean container with a lid and respectfully go to a church and fill it with Holy Water. Go around your house and put a bit of holy water on your finger and make the sign of the cross on every door frame.

When you make the cross with the holy water, you can say:

"I bless and clean this space in the name of the Lord." 

Or you can use any other prayer if you wish. If you are not particularly religious, you may want to say a mantra that goes, "I order any spirits in this space to leave."

The trick to completing this task properly is to really believe with all your heart what you're doing and saying. So if you are not comfortable with saying a prayer, use a mantra, and vice versa. Be firm and assertive in your tone. There's no need to yell, but if you project a calm, assertive energy and truly mean what you're saying, the use of holy water can be very effective in ridding your home of spirits.

Paranormal Humor: What Spirits Really Say

Two Articles: Feng Shui/White Candle by Jennifer Scelsi

 Feng Shui
By Jennifer Scelsi of CSI: Paranormal

Some paranormal researchers swear by using Feng Shui to get rid of any negative energy or spirit that occupies a home. You can try rearranging your furniture to change the energy of a room, burn incense, or purchase a small oil diffuser. There are many good books on Feng Shui. The theory behind Feng Shui is that by clearing out the clutter, changing furniture around, and using certain colors, you are inviting in only positive energy and that negative energy can't dwell in such a space. Feng Shui experts also recommend playing music to raise the vibrations of the space,though I never have tried Feng Shui before, does not mean you can! You may be happy worth the end results!


Some people believe that this method works and have had success with it.

Take a white candle into a room and light it. Make sure you use a new candle, not one that has already been burned. Walk around the room with the candle lit and order any ghosts or any negative entities out of your home. Repeat this process in every room.

The theory is that the white candle represents divine energy and that the lit candle, along with your calm, assertive words ordering a ghost out -- will drive a ghost from your home.

There is no guarantee any of these methods will work, but the mere fact that you are taking action and refusing to live in fear will go a long way in reclaiming your home.

I Made This...That's Why It Sucks...

I'm new to photoshop!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Paranormal Humor: Definition of a Shinbone

Paranormal Humor: Trolling (self-proposed) Para Celebrities

2015 Update:

Have to be blunt: This dude’s a fucking dickhead. The only time he’ll ever talk to you is if you unmercifully kiss his ass and massage his balls while you’re at it. I’ve never seen this guy with any evidence or any respect for the paranormal. He thinks it’s a gimmick and a get rich quick scheme. Seriously, the dude tried to have a naked paranormal investigation.

To be honest, I took this screen grab probably four years ago. Not long after this I deleted him, because I realized just how he is; so maybe he’s changed. If he has, awesome, if he hasn’t … Sorry Scott, but I’m not one of your Para-Whore’s.

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

Paranormal Humor: We Just Want to Communicate


Paranormal Humor: Show of Hands

Edgar Allan Poe on Spirits

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

SS Note: Speak for yourself, pal. :P

Paranormal Humor: Are You Getting This, Nick?

Paranormal Humor: Seriously, What is Up With That?

The Cokeville Angel Miracle


I remember watching a movie based on these events. Very good movie and suspenseful for a made for TV feature. Further information is that the kids were fine, but David and Doris Young both died from the explosion. 

Paranormal Humor: I'm Death

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

Paranormal Humor: The Answer is A Lot!

Does Anyone Else Get This?

Friday, June 28, 2013

Name Your Favorite Ghost App

Personally I wouldn't use them on an investigation, but maybe used as a toy it would be fun. I've done before nothing relevant to what I was asking of it. 

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

Happiness Is...


Wow, that was pretty simple. 

Paranormal Humor: You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

SS Note: Yes, I know. I suck at photoshop. 

Yes, Sir!

The Banshee

Paranormal Humor: The Idea of What's Paranormal

What You Doing This Weekend? :-)

Warning Bumpersticker

Paranormal Humor: Imposter!

Chad Stambaugh On Demons and the Subjectivity of Evil

As has been alluded to in other articles that I have written, demons are the cause celebre.  They are better than ghosts.  They are more dangerous than ghosts.  They are more exciting and fascinating than ghosts.  Most importantly, they are better for ratings than ghosts.  However, much like ghosts, there is a fundamental problem.  There is no proof that they exist.  If you would like to read further, there may even be proof that the demon as you know cannot possibly exist.

The concept of the demon is as old as time.  Demons, unlike ghosts, by definition are evil.  It is their core, it is their entire being. This seems to be a universally accepted notion among so-called ghosts hunters (i.e. paranormal hobbyists) and self-proclaimed demonologists.  Herein lies the problem.  Evil, whether you believe in it or not, is subjective.  One person’s definition of evil may be very different from someone else’s definition.  This further leads to yet another philosophical conundrum (perhaps to explore at another time); What motivation would a paranormal being have to, in fact, be evil?

The close-minded will claim that evil is a clear cut issue.  Evil, they will claim, is some type of malicious intent to violate the norms or mores of a particular culture.  However, since mores differ across cultures, then the definition of evil must change across cultures as well. If evil changes, then the basis for the existence of a creature or energy that is pure evil changes.

For example, is cannibalism evil?  Not everywhere.  So, not all cultures would classify a cannibalistic entity as evil.  How can one thing be a demon if the basis for it's evil is different from another demon in another culture that is not considered evil?  In other words, one person’s demon could be another person’s angel.

A demon should be a demon, should be a demon.  Just as evil should be evil, should be evil.  However, that simply is not the case.  Now the apologist will tell you that there are different classifications of demons.  Much like someone claiming there are different classifications of Sasquatch.  It is on the claimant to prove the existence of one creature before they can mythically create additional creatures based on their unproved hypothesis.

I have been told, “Lace up your boots and come with me.  I will show you pure evil.”  My answer is, “No, you won’t.”  Like it or not, that person has no idea what I consider evil.  What I perceive as evil may not be what someone else perceives as evil.  Consider child abuse.  What one person believes is appropriate discipline, someone else perceives as abusive.  The difference is culture and mores.  Mankind may be able to create laws to define actions, but not laws to define concepts.  Mankind certainly cannot create or dictate the rules to an unknown realm that has never been proven to exist.  Without a universal constant of evil, demons, as evil, cannot exist.

Before proceeding let us stop and examine the position of this claim.  Am I claiming that demons do not exist?  No, and if you think I am, then you have already become lost in this discussion, likely biased by your own beliefs (or norms/mores).  See how that works?  The concept of demons can exist, but as an entity or spiritual form, they are not evil per se.  There is simply no proof that they are evil.  These entities may do things that are repulsive in certain cultures, but that does not make them evil.  That makes them a particular person’s concept of evil.  Evil depends on what you value.  Again, there is no constant.

Is murdering the innocent evil?  Is that a demonic act?  How about those who burned witches? How about those who kept, tortured and murdered slaves?   Were they demonic or were they reacting to the unknown within the context the time in which they existed?  These things may be bad as defined by our societal norms, but are they evil?  At what point does an act rise to a level of being considered evil?  At what point does that same act perpetrated by a spiritual force rise to the level of being demonic?

Demons, if they exist, must exist outside of the continuity of norms, mores, and ethics.  They could exist as negative energy, but not negative as defined by good or bad, but rather as an absence of positive energy.  In the realm of science, light does not equal good and dark does not equal bad.  These notions are created by the mind of mankind.  In science, one is simply something, while the other is the opposite or complete lack of that same something.

Until someone can define an item without the insertion of values in the definition, they cannot accurately define said item.  Once a value judgement is placed on an item, specifically an unproved or paranormal item, the definition is subject to argument and at its essence becomes void.  Calling a demon an evil entity is false.  Therefore, so called demonologists, who propagate such erroneous information,(in my opinion) are giving you false information.  Yes, demons can exist.  However, they are just demons.  Their nature is their nature.  They are neither good nor evil.  It seems that whatever they are, they just are.  Assuming they even exist at all.

Again, please let me know what you think of my reasoning.  Whether good or bad, I want your opinions.

Paranormal Humor: Ghost Photos

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

Paranormal Humor: I Think They're Frauds, Myself


And that Daphne chick? Total camera whore. 

On a serious note, I'm not much of a Scooby Doo fan, so it makes it strange how this is the third Scooby Doo related meme on this site. Weird!

Enjoy Your Weekend!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Paranormal Humor: Investigating Photos...Using Cats!

Me Too! What About You?

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

Poor Casper :-(


On a side note: Don't really care for him. He's boring. 

Paranormal Humor: Now I Got it Stuck in My Head!

You Know You're a Ghost Hunter When...

Paranormal Humor: You're Alive to Me!

Paranormal Humor: When I Die...

Paranormal Humor: Boo-gle

Remember Respect