
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Writing for

I’m not going to share this with anyone, or plug it on my social networking. I just don’t think people will be interested in it. But maybe someone will search Medium and possibly this may come up. I’m going to try and keep this short and simple. You may have a question, such as, “Should I write for” My answer would be, probably.

Here’s why:

I say probably because I don’t know what your preferences are. If you love nothing but liberal politics, white people bashing, straight bashing, Trump article after Trump article, religion bashing (mostly ... err ... actually all Christian, no Islam mentioned at all, not surprisingly), feminism (basically if you have a dick, you’re a bad person, that type of ‘feminism’), or ‘How to get rich being lazy’ articles, then this place is for you.

I joined this website, knowing full well I fully did not agree with their politics. It’s a liberal cesspool with no articles of different viewpoints at all. Despite Medium claiming it’s a place for a variety of ideas. No. It should say, it’s a place for like-minded individuals. But even knowing all this, I joined it because someone I used to work with told me he made good money posting articles and chapters of his book. Granted, I later found out it was mostly his erotic stories, but I’m not going down that route. Also, I think that guy was a con-artist, but that's for me to keep to myself.

Some people who see this and don’t know me are probably thinking, “He’s just mad because he didn’t make any money.” Right, but what throws that theory out the window is this blog has been around for over 10 years and I’ve never made a dime off of it. Nice try. I’d rather be read by a million people than make a million dollars. Okay, that may have a little bit of bullshit on it, but still, I just want to be read. I was getting okay stats on my stories, but not great. Plus, you have to be a paying member in order to read any Medium content, which probably isn’t going to fly anyway with most people.

The true reason why I left is simple: I’m sick of people who never met me, telling me I’m a bad person for my sexual orientation, race, and the fact I have a penis. Now, yes, if the role is reversed that’s just as wrong. I get that, but two wrongs don’t make a right and this place is too far left leaning to really give a shit about other peoples feelings. This coming from an ideology that we should all get along ... unless the other person has a different viewpoint than you.

If you want to join Medium, go ahead. If the left leaning politics don’t bother you or you agree with it, then this may be the place for you. It’s not for me and that’s why I left.

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