Paranormal Community Truth: You Don't Know Everything
By: Cindie Harper
Founder of Femme Force
As a person who has actively researched the paranormal for over twenty years, I find myself amused and disgusted with the fact that the paranormal community seems to attract so many egotistical, self proclaimed experts. Even though I have actively pursued many aspects of the paranormal field for well over twenty years, I find myself with more questions than answers. I would never attempt to identify myself as an EXPERT. Unfortunately this is not a common attitude amongst paranormal enthusiasts.
For years I chose to avoid being active within the paranormal community because I was less than impressed with the hypocritical and hurtful behaviors that I observed from many active paranormal community members on a regular basis. Unfortunately, it seems as though personality disorders and people with the need to be recognized and worshiped for their "special" gifts is all too common within this field where EVERYTHING is theory. There seems to be very few people who have a true desire to conduct and share their research in a meaningful or respectful manner.
Until someone proves that the afterlife exists, there will never be any experts in this field. It does not matter if you have been on a show or are a member of a large group, you are not better than a group of “newbies” who get together on the weekends to hunt.
You are very misguided if you claim to know the truth about the afterlife or the paranormal. No one knows the truth. We have no scientific proof of any of this but it does not seem to stop so many paranormal investigators from claiming otherwise. A simple Google search of paranormal investigator web sites will provide several examples to prove this point. If you don't believe me, research for yourself. Begin by reading their mission statement, if they even went through the trouble to create one. Many claim to be active in the paranormal community because they want to help people. It’s ironic that those same teams or individuals are posting their “evidence” or creepy pictures, EVP recordings and videos under titles that include the words “demon, Satan, and evil." Clearly that is very helpful to the people who were terrified of the alleged paranormal activity and asked for assistance.
I do not understand the reasoning for using the words “demons, Satan and evil” in the titles of “evidence” videos, so I asked a few paranormal investigators. The overall response was, “I only do that for the views.” These people claim to be respectable paranormal investigators but are willing to use terminology to “get views.” What else are they willing to do to “get views?” I guess I am missing something here because these same types of people wonder why the paranormal field is not taken seriously.
Most of these paranormal investigation teams appear to have started their journey with good intentions but seem to have lost sight of their original purpose. Many seem to have replaced the good intentions with a quest for fame. If that happens to be the case for you, then you need to get out now if you aren't willing to continuously work to improve your understanding and knowledge of the paranormal.
If you are involved with a paranormal show of any kind and you call yourself a paranormal investigator, money and fame should not influence how you conduct yourself whether it is on camera or off camera. If you are only concerned with views and money, then you should call yourself an actor and call your “evidence” a performance. You can also take down that huge list of completed investigations that almost always includes a “famous” television show name(s) and location(s) on your website. Investigating many locations, being on a show or being in the presence of “famous” actor(s) does not make you knowledgeable, nor does it make you an authority in this field.
Furthermore, many paranormal research groups boost that they use a “scientific method” and present themselves this way to clients, the public, and media. If you don’t have a well thought out protocol that you follow for each investigation and you do not have experience in scientific research outside of the paranormal field, then NOTHING you are doing within the paranormal field can be considered true scientific research.
Using equipment and gadgetry for data collection and being methodical or systematic, does not make you scientific. Equipment does not equal science. An organized study of anything does not make it scientific. The methodical use of subjective investigation techniques such as psychics, pendulums, and even Ouija boards, does not make them objective or scientific. A medical background does not make you a scientific paranormal investigator. Watching paranormal investigators on television does not qualify you as an experienced paranormal investigator. No one has ever found evidence of a ghost. All “evidence” or paranormal documentation is merely unexplained which does not automatically qualify it as paranormal.
I have never met one paranormal investigator or group who is qualified to claim that their work is strictly scientific. If someone boosts of being a scientific paranormal investigator or promises you a certification in scientific paranormal investigation, you need to ask this one question: “What makes this method of paranormal investigation scientific?” If the answer does not include these four basic, Elementary Science steps: identify the problem, form a hypothesis, test it, and conclude, then it is NOT scientific.
Since I actively began pursuing my interest in the paranormal, unknown and unexplained, I can honestly say that my views and opinions have changed dramatically as a result of gaining new knowledge from my own research and that of others within the paranormal community. If your methods are flawed, your results will be flawed. It does not matter how many years that you have been in this field or how many times you repeat those same flawed methods because your results will always be flawed. The good news is that this flawed way of thinking will eventually make you an EXPERT. It will make you an EXPERT in being the egotistical village idiot.
Keeping an open mind and continuously seeking more information does not mean that you have to accept what you find or even agree with it. If this article does nothing but make you think about your opinions and actions, then it served it's purpose. If you always have the need to be right or to feel special or gifted, which seems to be a common characteristic among many paranormal community members, then you need to re-examine your reasons for being in this field or any other field for that matter. You can learn something from every single person you meet. If you refuse to be open to that idea, then you are already inferior to those of us who have accepted that very simple, life-changing truth.
Femme Force
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