Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why is Paranormal Research So Important When Dealing with Ghosts? By Jennifer Scelsi of CSI: Paranormal

Ghosts, like people, have different motivations for acting the way they do. Sometimes their real motives aren't clear, because the ghost is behaving in a manner that would lead one to believe the ghost's real goal is different from what it actually is.

For example let's say there is a case where, a woman can be seen running and screaming from the house at a specific time every fall. One might assume that this was an anniversary ghost, and the day she appeared was the anniversary of her actual death. This might very well be the case.

Now to add to it this house was sold many times over the market over a number of years with no family staying there less than a year due to the screaming woman. 

Now the house gets bought and repairs and renovations begin on the property. The house gets gutted and even tore out the plaster and all of the dry wall. Behind one of the walls of the house they find the skeleton of a small baby, of course the authorities are contacted, and the coroner was able to determine that the baby had been dead for a number of years.

The townsfolk have grown up with the story of the screaming woman assumed that the baby belonged to her and insisted that the woman be dug up and the remains of the baby be buried with her. The town paid for this and as soon as the mother and baby were united, the sightings of the screaming woman stop and no longer go on as they were reported! 

So, while it would have been easy to assume the screaming woman was an anniversary ghost, the true motivation behind this haunting was to have her baby found and to be reunited with it.

Without careful research into the validity of this haunting and the caring people of this small town, this poor woman would have been destined to spend eternity looking for her baby. This is why extensive research plays such a vital role in determining why and who may be haunting a particular location. Because without this information we walk in blinded not having a clue to why the woman is haunting this home or any home.

The more we know the more prepared we are!

Through the library, or local historian, or news paper clippings, town records; and the people living in the area during and after, and trespassing is no good.

Get permission!

Stay safe where ever you might be, stick to the buddy system, because any area that can cause you physical injury stay clear of; even though the area has activity as well, would you rather risk it and get hurt, or be thankful you got evidence in other areas?

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