Friday, March 13, 2015

The Continuity of Life After Death by Jennifer Scelsi

We might think of spirits as nothing more than just images that float along after we die. Think of them as not being here in our world. But spirits are all around us all the time. Though we might not be able to see them physically with our eyes, they are here. Both day and night, twenty-four-seven.

Now on the other hand, some of us physics and paranormal investigators alike, are able to see, hear, as well as touch each other. Which could be why we find ourselves fascinated with life and death, and life after death. So much we are interested that we have used objects like the Ouija Boards, crystal scrying, and using mirrors.

In the Victorian era, seances were all the rage at every party and social gatherings the world over. Mediums and sit-ins were said to call upon the spirits of the deceased to find out answers to the questions about life after death! Such questions as: What happens to us when we die? Where do we go? Is there a Heaven? If so, what is it like in Heaven? Is there a Hell? Will our loved ones be watching over and will they be there for us at our time of death? Are angels and demons real? What is God like? What is the Devil like? And will we be judged upon the time of our death? Many other questions that have been asked.

And to this present day we are still fascinated by it all.

Now in this century, we have more sophisticated ways of communicating with the deceased. Such as digital recorders for EVP sessions; spirit boxes, Mel-Meters. Other spirit detection devices such as night vision cameras, REM Pods, and K-II meters. We continue to wonder and ask. We no longer wait for knocks in reply to questions (we still get them). We can detect them with equipment that picks up on cold spots. And more equipment and gadgets are being thought of every day. It is plain to see it will be a never ending cycle with this fascination.

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