Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sticks and Stone May Break My Bones (Stone Throwing Phenomena) by Jennifer Scelsi

Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones

The throwing and falling of stones is a common paranormal activity mostly connected to poltergeist phenomena. It is noted for its sudden appearance, severity and abrupt occurrence. This phenomena is distinguished by its impossible nature where at times the stones seem to float or drop slowly; they often appear to fall within a closed room where there are no open windows, or cracks, or holes in the ceiling.

Accounts of this date back to the ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks and the ancient Romans.

In fact, the first ever recorded case of unexplained rocks hailing from the skies was in 335 C.E.

Early Christian saints and writers also witnessed this paranormal phenomena. A good example of this was in the year 1170 C.E. The hermitage of St. Godric was inundated with falling rocks. Unfortunately these occurrences were isolated one-time incidents, and thus can't be investigated.

For instance, one night in 1903, Sumatra W.D. Grottendieck of Dordrecht, Holland, was awoken by the sound of stones slowly dropping to the floor around his bed at 1 A.M. It was also noted that no holes were anywhere in the roof of his hut. He even caught one of the falling rocks, but to his amazement it rose and floated out of his hand. He woke his male servant to help him do a search all around the hut for signs of the mischievous local laborers who might have been responsible, but only to find out later they were not! Panicked, one of the boy laborer's, fled after the stone throwing ceased quickly as it had started. Afterwords, it was pointed out that the fleeing boy was responsible for the phenomena, but was later reviewed as being unsolved.

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