Monday, March 9, 2015

Scary Game Review(Spectator): Phobia 1.5 - A Free Indie-Horror Game

What's going guys? It's time for another Scary Game Review with your brave viewer, Scared. This time we're taking a gander at a free indie horror game by the name of Phobia 1.5. Let's begin, shall we?

Now a little about the game before I show the trailer (because the trailer didn't tell much about the game, I felt) is that it was created by Jonez Games, a two person developer team (at least that's what it had in the credits). The unnamed protagonist is driving one night, takes a wrong turn, and drives down a road that has no stops. Eventually he runs out of gas. He stumbles across a large mansion to rest. He'll rest, but not for long. 

This game was short, I'd say if you'd never played it before it will take a little over an hour to complete it. But what did I think of this game? Quite honestly, I did like it. It served it's purpose in being a scary game. Although not gory like some horror games are, this game started out being more psychological than scary. The part that peaked my interest was near the beginning of the game when the protagonist sleeps and wakes up to mysterious knocking. Although I sort of laughed at it too, because the knocking had an (in my opinion) upbeat theme to it (haha). You'll see what I mean if you watch the first video I'm going to post below. A little after that is when you meet the baddie. The first real glance at that made my walkthrough guy of choice, Harshly Critical, scream like Hell (which was also damn well near hilarious. Sorry John. I don't think he'll ever read this anyway, but still, sorry. However, I did email him and tell him I use his videos as examples. He never did reply back, but I don't take those sort of things personally.) Even though it was funny, it was also pretty startling. 

The storyline was something that I thought could be easily conceived, but it's not so much that it was easy that makes it work, it's the execution. It was executed very well. Basically the story, and I'm not giving away the whole thing, is that the mansion belonged to this rogue scientist who conducted experiments on this "patient." He created this chemical that eventually eats away at the memory, your sanity, and eventually your whole damn brain. It also mutates the person into a creature of its own. That's it. You want to know more, you can play the game or you can watch the two videos I provided below. If you watch both videos, it will take roughly over an hour to finish them. But I think it's worth a watch. 

If you're interested in playing the game, here's where you can download it:

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