Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Scared Sheetless Update #1: New Look; Less is More; More Writers Wanted

What's up, fellow frighteners and graveyard disciples. Welcome to the first of hopefully many, Scared Sheetless Update!

-Hope you guys like or love the new look. The old one was getting pretty stale with me and I thought it was time to update. I think it looks great. What about you? You may see some new stuff around here in due time, because I have a designer friend working on some new banners. An updated site is a happy site. Feedback is welcomed! Please let me know what you think.

-I posted this on the Scared Sheetless Facebook page, but if not, maybe you've noticed a lesser amount of posts lately. I used to schedule a post every hour from 2-8 pm Eastern, but decided to cut it down to one post every two hours, with the half hour mark being devoted to articles and educational posts (i.e. Paranormal Corner; facts; picture of the day; the likes of that), which is still the same from the former format. I did that because I felt a post every hour was somewhat spamming you guys and I somewhat think that's why there's been a decrease in Likes on my Facebook page. But who knows, maybe it's because I don't post enough! But I'm trying this new scheduling format.

-I stress this a lot on Facebook, but this blog is constantly looking for new writers to bring more knowledge or humor to the paranormal masses. I'm also winning to do one shots where if you have an issue you want to write about and that's all, I'd be willing to post that as well. I also welcome short story writers as well as reviewers (book, movie, TV) to join us. The more the merrier.

Quick and painless first edition of Scared Sheetless Update. Thanks for catching up!

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