Thursday, March 12, 2015

Dark Beauty is No More Following March 25th (It's Moved to Tumblr)

I have decided to pull the Dark Beauty feature entirely from this blog. I thought it was a nice little feature to have, but I think most people will agree that they come here to look at spirits with stories, not spirits with jugs (I thought that was funny.) The last post will be on March 25th.

However, Dark Beauty is not dead and I have moved it to Tumblr. It will be considered a completely separate entity and not a part of the Scared Sheetless "Universe", if you will. Basically, what it all boils down to is that I don't think it helped this blog in any way and I would rather show off my finds to the appropriate audience. I don't think here is the right audience. Sure, some got some reasonably decent traffic to the site, but nothing I have to go out of my way for to make sure it's always present on the blog.

(Read the following sentences before clicking on the link) If interested, click on this link. There is nothing Scared Sheetless related on this though. It's its own identity as said before. Also, keep in mind that it does have NSFW content on it. Although Tumblr is a large source for high sexual content, I have sworn that I will not have such on Dark Beauty's Tumblr page. I do not look down on sex. To be honest, I look at it quite often. Don't judge me. I'm a lonely S.O.B! I just like to be different, as you can see on this blog. Basically it just has a nudie lady here or there with a stupid little perverted antidote from yours truly. So, I have warned you.

Figured I'd let people know just in case they did like the feature.

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