
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Creative Minecraft Rollercoasters

No matter the age, we all know what Minecraft is, either a video game or "something kids do." But people know it. It's  a very popular game and the great thing about it is you don't play the same world twice. But what I'm showing you isn't essentially Minecraft, but what people can do in Minecraft. Now, keeping in Scared Sheetless form, I'm going to be only posting videos that fit the SS law that it has to be creepy, freaky, or scary. But there are loads of others out there that I highly suggest you check out.

With Christmas around the corner (yes, already) I see it's only fitting to make the first video this --- Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. Or, well, The Night Rail Before Christmas. Play on words, gotta love it.

This is the first Minecraft custom roller coaster video that I saw. It is also my favorite. From the creative textures, models, and skyscrappers, this definitely get's my award for "Best Movie Influenced Minecraft Roller Coaster" or something like that. Maybe shorter. And, yes, it has to do with Ghostbusters. Actually, the whole thing does.

This one was still great, but I felt there were a few spots with nothing much going on. But when something was going on, it made up for when there was nothing going on. You see what's going on? Hello? Brain aneurysm? Ah, okay. But this is a fun custom made roller coaster that has some very nice nods to the movie. 

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