
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Personal Blog: Feminism Overload!

(I may say things you may not like, but just remember, I'm not big on this subject. I do support women's rights though, but I'm an idiot when it comes to this subject. Hey. I warned you. But I think having an outside perspective is always a good thing.)

Ugh. Another subject that is so out of my league, but yet I make the decision to do a personal blog about it anyways. Is this a stupid choice? Well, maybe. We'll see. Do note, that I'm in no way a guy who reads every little article on feminism or sexism. I just leave these subjects for people who are interested (or completely insanely obsessed with the subject) and go my jolly old way. But it is a subject that is talked about quite heavily these past few weeks after Emma Watson's trending "HeForShe" campaign. Since then, feminism has been on fire! Hence the name of the blog, Feminism Overload! Boom.

I really do like Emma Watson. Not just because of her role as Hermione Granger of the Harry Potter series, but ... okay, that's probably the only reason why I really like her, because I haven't watched any of her other flicks. Nor do I have any interest in doing so (they're not my cup of tea!) But she also seems like a caring soul, which also makes anyone okay in my book. I've never read her saying anything bad about someone based on how they look or what they are, or whatever. She seems to get along with everyone regardless of who they are. Which is nice. I do have her on my Facebook (yes, on my friends list, cause she loves this website --- annnnnd of course I'm bullshitting you) and she posts a lot about her feminism activities.

I may get in a lot of heat for this, but I've never dabbled in feminism, because they don't make it seem like men are welcomed. It's like a tree house with a "No Boys Allowed" sign at the bottom. Every time I read something about it, it's like men are always painted as the bad guys. Oh, my God! Lifetime Movie Channel is owned by feminists! I would say, just kidding (I am kidding about feminists owning the channel), but it's so true. That channel always paints dudes as bad people. Anyways, that's just how I perceive it. But Emma Watson has invited men to start helping in the feminism movement. Hey, good for her. She has gone in the right step to make us feel welcomed and not like men are evil and poo-poo. Good on her, seriously.

But she's also gotten in a lot of heat because of it and I honestly think it's because she put out an open invitation to men. That's the reading I got anyway. But why not? Why can't men help? Sometimes you need to think about these groups that want to help a certain type of people and wonder if their goal is really for equality or supremacy? More restrictions for those who are not and less rules for those who are, if you get what I'm saying.

I'm all for equality, but I'm not one to blab on about it (I, for one, hate gloating. Yes, we get it, you're a supporter of this. Stop posting ten million posts about it all day, every freaking day. It's annoying!). Most of the time I get in trouble, because I tend to look for the cracks in peoples ideas. Trust me, there are a lot of cracks in these so called "advocates" or "activists" ideas of how THEIR world should be.

Problem is we live in a very argumentative society, where you can't talk about something and not expect an argument about it. It's lame, but it's how the world works now. We can't voice an opinion without some sort of backlash.

Like recently feminists have really been laying the smackdown on video games. I happen to be a very big fan of video gaming and feel that I could at least share my point of view. There is one woman, I forget her name, whose been really giving video developers the third degree on how video games portray women. Sexy, busty, slutty, etc. and she says it's not right. Well, how about the video games that show women in a more positive light? For example, the Last of Us. You have Ellie and Tess, who are strong female leads and make women look like bad asses. Ellie is a beloved character in the video game world too. Granted, she's only fourteen, so ... but still, she's a girl! And feminism is all about girls, right? She's a kick ass girl is what I'm saying and in no way did Naughty Dog (the makers of The Last of Us) portrayed their women in a negative light. They're not the only ones either, but granted I don't play/watch a lot of games, so I wouldn't be able to name a lot.

But what about women who do adult-entertainment? Cause sometimes these feminists groups like to bash men for looking at it. I, for one, will admit that I do look at those types of sites, but then again, I'm a lonely bastard too. Yet, what if the women like doing that? They have no problem with it whatsoever. What then? Did THE MAN brainwash them? Please. You can't blame men for everything. Women can be naughty and perverted too. It's their choice. Then again, I'm a do whatever floats your boat type of guy unless it hurts people. But again, I do look at those sites, but also, I'm not stupid to think that the majority of women are REALLY like that.

It's sort of like women who treat men like meat. You see it all the time on Facebook, a women (most of the time your own grandma even) posts a picture of sexy firemen or whatever. What then? You don't see guys coming over, bitching about that.

I think some of these groups do mean well, but sometimes they look more like dictators or world police, then anything else. I do believe that women deserve to be paid as much as men and that women can, yes, sometimes be treated like meat than humans. But some things, I think some of these groups need to chill. Video games will always have slutty, busty women. Porn will always be around. Don't like it? Don't watch it. Don't like busty, slutty women in games? Don't play them. That's what I do when I think a TV show, movie, or whatever is being cruel towards a certain group or whatever, I don't watch them. I don't support them. People want to join their hate wagon, fuck em. I don't need them. I'm not going to support them. And I've stopped watching/supporting a lot of shows based on that. It's like Sons of Anarchy, loved the show, still really want to, but Kevin Sutter, the creator of the show, made some (in my opinion) very cruel comments towards a certain group of people. It's really turned me off on watching the show. So, I GET IT is what I'm trying to say. But some things ... you can't stop. Stick to the big issues and hope the little ones wittle away and die.

But like I said, I don't get into this stuff, and big reason for that is simply because I'm not big on politics and discussions like this are very political. I think, at least. If you don't support you, you have enemies. If you do support it, you have enemies. I do support women's rights, but I wouldn't call myself a feminists. Mainly because I DID read an article about a woman, a feminist, who said men can't be feminists, because apparently having a ding-dong automatically disqualifies you. I think it's bullshit. I think if you want to support something, it shouldn't matter what junk is in your trunk (can't believe I said that. I think I got it wrong too.) Like I think that more straight people support gay marriage than gay people. Then again, I think there's more straight people than gay people, so that makes sense I guess. But you get what I mean. They are okay with us supporting them, so why can't feminists be okay with men supporting them? I don't know. Unless they're super ubber feminists, then I'd say, the more the merrier.

I'm going to put this blog to bed. I think I've said everything I can.

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