
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Scary Game Review: Into the Gloom

Into the Gloom is a pixelated game that scared the hell out of me. I was going to say, crap, but who wants to admit that. It didn't. But if you thought pixel games couldn't scare you, I would like you to watch/play this game. Maybe you have nerves of steel. I know I don't, but I do know the guy I watch does and that is Harshly Critical on YouTube. We'll get to a video later. 

This is where I usually put "About the Game", but even that would spoil it. So, I'll give you a tiny bit of detail. Into the Gloom is one of those unique indie games only found on PC. It is a first-person pixel game, that only relies on the colors: black, white, and red. That's not the creepy part. The creepy part is the game is all about atmosphere, which are sometimes the best games you can play, or in my case, watch. Just like many survival-horror games, to move further in the game you have to explore and solve puzzles. Much like other survival-horror games like Amnesia or Outlast, you can not fight the enemies (or in Gloom's case, enemy) and all you can do is run away. 

My Review (from a spectator's point of view): 

This game had me chilled. It's the first game since Outlast: Whisteblower (which I will review soon) that had creeped me out. Though Whistleblower scared the hell out of me more, but comparing these two is like comparing apples to oranges. Into the Gloom is a different breed of terror. Whether it was the music, the shadow antagonist, or the chase scenes, the game is very well done. And only one guy did it. Fantastic for him. (For some odd reason, I couldn't find his name - if I do find it, I will put it in this review.)  

The true story of the protagonist and antagonist isn't revealed until the end, so this game does make you wonder, what the hell is going on here? But once it tells you, it's brilliant. 

There's not much more to say. It's a a short game (1-3 hours, depending on your speed/skill), but it's intense. Don't let the shortness of the game turn you away. The game is only $2.99 on Steam, which is very cheap and well worth the price (from what I've read on some gamer reviews). You can find it on Steam. 


As you can see, I posted a video below. This is my favorite moment of the game. There is a couple jump scares, but nothing heart attackish, I don't believe. Then again, I've watched it a couple times now (both for this review and my own enjoyment), so I could be used to it. Be warned, it does include the ending. 

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