Monday, March 31, 2014

Leader of Lost Souls News: New Character Revealed


Age: Between 5,000-8,000 years old.

Facts and Myths:

-Demonic 's past is unknown. Shrouded in myth and mystery.

-He is the oldest descendant in Rigor Mortis' family.

-One myth of Demonic is that he was 'forged by the demons of Hell, before angels rescued him.' Hence why his tombstone says, 'Hell Created. Heaven Sent.'

-Demonic doesn't have any powers, like his successors. His powers come from his very powerful scythe.

-Is regarded as the best General of the Afterlife Army.

-Although he has no powers, he makes up for it with his brute strength. He's also very agile and fast for his large stature.

-Even though he is considered the best General in the history of the Afterlife, he is a better known demon hunter/slayer.


The Afterlife Chronicles: Leader of Lost Souls is expected for a quarter 4 of 2014 release. Keep checking here for more news pertaining to the 2nd book of the Afterlife Chronicles. 

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