Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What is a Dead Time? by Jennifer Scelsi

There are mixed opinions in the world of the paranormal when it comes to "dead time." Some paranormal investigators believe that three a.m. is the time of night when paranormal activity is at its highest. Proponents of this theory believe that because three p.m. is the time Jesus died, so the opposite would be three a.m. They feel for this reason, three a.m. is the time most preferred by spirits to become active.

Another theory is that it's not the ghosts or spirits that are the most active at three in the morning, but that demons are more active at that time because it is the opposite time from when Jesus died. People who believe in this theory think that demons would go to any length to defy God and Jesus, and that is why demons are the most active at that time. 

Whether "Dead time" exists or not is up for debate. Personally, I’ve found ghosts and spirits to be active anytime of the day or night and not to show a preference for one time or another. My feeling is that if a ghost or spirit is present, it's going to be active when it chooses to be active regardless of the time of day or night. 

In addition, many people believe in a "Witching hour.” The time this occurs however varies greatly. Some people believe it is sunset, others dawn and still others believe the witching hour is at midnight and other hours during the night. People who hold this theory think that the veil or curtain between the world of the living and the realm of the dead are the thinnest at whatever hour they believe the witching hour occurs. Again, I really don't put much stock into the "Witching Hour" theories. 

The demon I ran across showed no preference for a particular time of day or night to become active and, at times, was equally active during the day as it was at night. Although, I have to admit, when the demon did choose to rear its ugly head, it was always at night, but never at the same time each night. I believe that at night, our minds and senses can play tricks on us. Everything is quiet and we may hear noises we wouldn't normally hear during the day. Nights also are, of course cooler than the daytime because of the lack of sunshine. 

When wood in particular cools down, it can and does make creaking and /or moaning sounds that could lead many people to believe they are hearing footsteps, or experiencing some other type of paranormal activity. Nighttime can also play tricks on our eyes, and normal shadows in a room can take on ominous shapes due to many factors and with the light of the alarm clock can cast a creepy and eerie shadow on the wall. 

While this event startles us we need to take the time to look for a logical explanation for what you just saw. You can do the same thing with perceived paranormal activity in your home as well. When something startles you, take a second to take a deep breath, calm yourself down, and look for a rational explanation for what just happened. Chances are you will figure it out, but if you don't then you may want to take note of it in your journal or notebook.

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