Sunday, June 30, 2013

Two Articles: Feng Shui/White Candle by Jennifer Scelsi

 Feng Shui
By Jennifer Scelsi of CSI: Paranormal

Some paranormal researchers swear by using Feng Shui to get rid of any negative energy or spirit that occupies a home. You can try rearranging your furniture to change the energy of a room, burn incense, or purchase a small oil diffuser. There are many good books on Feng Shui. The theory behind Feng Shui is that by clearing out the clutter, changing furniture around, and using certain colors, you are inviting in only positive energy and that negative energy can't dwell in such a space. Feng Shui experts also recommend playing music to raise the vibrations of the space,though I never have tried Feng Shui before, does not mean you can! You may be happy worth the end results!


Some people believe that this method works and have had success with it.

Take a white candle into a room and light it. Make sure you use a new candle, not one that has already been burned. Walk around the room with the candle lit and order any ghosts or any negative entities out of your home. Repeat this process in every room.

The theory is that the white candle represents divine energy and that the lit candle, along with your calm, assertive words ordering a ghost out -- will drive a ghost from your home.

There is no guarantee any of these methods will work, but the mere fact that you are taking action and refusing to live in fear will go a long way in reclaiming your home.

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