
Monday, March 4, 2013

That's Not Paranormal!: Criticism is Dead

That’s Not Paranormal!
Criticism is Dead

Here’s a new idea I’m proposing for Scared Sheetless: Having non-paranormal posts on it. People who understand internet traffic will probably get the jist of where I’m going with this. You get more traffic, you get more readers, you get more fans, etc. That and well, I just don’t want to take care of more than one website. Since Scared Sheetless is my creation, I think I can get away with having my own stuff on here, such as non-paranormal posts. Let’s give it a try and if it seem like it’s not working, I’ll stop. Plain and simple.

This article has to do with criticism. Some people still practice it, while others … tend to practice new and creative ways to insult people. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you must be new to the world of the internet.

The internet is filled with marvels and interesting people from all around the world. You can get information from just a few words in a search bar; you can read books; you can read awesome paranormal articles, courtesy of me; but, and there’s just about a but with everything in the world, the internet is filled to the core with people who want to do nothing but complain and make you feel like a worthless piece of dirt.

Don’t believe me? You don’t have to go very far. Like, for example, I’m a pro wrestling fan. I know, I know, it’s fake and blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard this a million times and it’s never going to make me stop watching it, so save it. I go on various wrestling websites or dirt sheets as they are called in the wrestling world. Such websites as:,, on certain occasions, but I go mostly to It’s been my website of choice for years, but lately it’s kind of gone downhill. It’s not the content, it’s not that they’re lacking news, it’s simply because they have some rude people who need to get slapped with a mature stick. Okay, if you pick on that one, I don’t blame you. It was pretty lame.

I’ll also admit something that I have no problems admitting. If you hate me for it, you can simply click the “X” button on the upper right hand corner. I’m kind of a sensitive person. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I can take a joke, but people don’t joke much anymore. Yeah, they’ll say, “I was just joking,” when the joke has gone too far, but people got bored with harmless jokes and they figured that harassing is a lot more fun. This site is filled to the core with nothing but harassers.

For example, I was just reading a story about how a former WWE and WCW wrestler got arrested because he missed a court date. This wrestler hasn’t been around in years, so naturally you get those who say, “Who?” And then you get those who complain and insult you because you don’t know 100% everything there needs to know about pro-wrestling. Here’s what I say to those people…
Get a life!
I mean, gee-wiz, I don’t know every single thing there needs to be known about the paranormal, but I don’t get people saying, “Ugh, you’re an unprofessional moron!” No. I have a life that doesn’t always pertain to the paranormal. Pro-Wrestling? Not really. Again … got a life. I mean, hey, if you want to know absolutely everything about something then go for it. But I don’t think you should insult someone because they didn’t know about some no name (not to be taken personally, I just couldn’t think of a better word) wrestler from back in the 80’s or what have you.
That was just an example. I see it all the time on that website though and I wish websites like that would put a no trolling policy, but don’t you just hate freedom of speech? (Insert sarcasm here.) Harassment, or trolling as its better known, is a universal way of talking on the internet now. There kind of like fleas almost; they just multiply and multiply and soon there everywhere!
People just can’t talk about what’s in front of them. I swear these people literally just look for some poster and just start thrashing them. Sure, some of them seem like their just joking around, having a jolly good laugh, but then there are those who get absolutely mean and hideous in nature. They’ll start insulting the way you talk, and oh, what another one of my favorite topics.
To put it bluntly: it’s the freaking internet! Last I knew, you didn’t need a degree in English to talk on internet forums. Yes, sometimes the way people type can get irritating, but you got to take into effect of certain aspects. One, how old are they? Obviously a twelve year old is not going to type very clearly. Two, where they come from: someone from say Pakistan, Iran, Puerto Rico, Mexico, whatever, is not going to speak perfect English. Three, if they’re from the ‘hood’ or the sticks, they’re not going to type in terms of your normal. That’s their normal and they like it and isn’t the world all about being different? Pfft. Give me a break. Another topic for another day though.
Unless tHeY tyPE lIKE tHIS or IF THEY TYPE LIKE THIS, BECAUSE TYPING LIKE THIS GET’S THE POINT ACROSS FASTER BECAUSE IT’S ALMOST LIKE I AM YELLING. Then yes, I will agree with you, that is very annoying. Other than that, lay off, chill out, take a breather, and just let it go. Just because somebody doesn’t agree with you, or somebody doesn’t type like you, or they’re different than you, gives you absolutely no right to degrade them and to basically make them feel worthless.

The bottom line is, and again I am going to put it bluntly (while still trying to keep my PG-13 image on here), bullies suck and they need to get a reality check before someone writes one for them, if you get my drift.
Wow. See! I can write about more than just the paranormal. If you liked this then please reply below, or check off the things at the bottom that says, “Cool” and stuff like that. It will give me a better idea of if I should keep going with this or not. And don’t worry, it’s not constantly going to be a debate or a complaining fit. I’ll try to mix it up.
Have a good day!  

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