
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Paranormal Gadgets: RT-EVP

Paranormal Gadgets: RT-EVP


As years have gone by paranormal investigation equipment has advanced over the past few years with some breakthrough equipment. We’ve talked about using regular audio digital recorders to speak to the dead; we’ve also discussed how you can tamper with a radio to try and contact spirits as well. But there’s another device on the ghost market where you can hear spirit voices in real time. It’s called the RT (Real Time) EVP.

How is this different from other audio devices? It uses a playback mode, can be anywhere from 1 second to 60 seconds, and it plays back what has already been said. The theory with this is simple, ask your questions, and see if you get a response back in real time. This device is great as you can hear the responses right then and there and don’t really need to worry about listening to countless hours of audio evidence. Though I do not advise this, you should always go over evidence after an investigation as you could’ve missed something.

Has NEPI got any evidence from using the RT? We’ve only really used it at one location and that was at the Sugar Hill Inn. I discussed this in a previous article (see “Shock, Awe, and Possession”), but the short answer is no, we didn’t get any evidence using it. I recently used it at my house and heard footsteps in the kitchen, which is located next to my room. There was nobody home at the time and I do have a cat, but these were human footsteps. We have a few investigations coming up in April, so I hope to really use the RT-EVP and hopefully be able to elaborate more on this device in later articles. I think it would be a very sufficient and essential device in the world of paranormal investigation very soon.
The pros of this device are many: real time answers to your questions; you get a spirit box; the newer model (2nd Generation) has a white noise amp in it (which is supposed to help spirits gain more energy); it’s easy to transfer your audio files on your computer via USB port. The only real big con I have is that the instruction manual isn’t really user friendly. I follow directions harshly to begin with, but even Anthony, who’s a wiz with equipment, had trouble learning the basics of it. We got it down pact now, but that’s just by fiddling with it. I do highly recommend it to any aspiring ghost hunters out there. Be warned, it is pricey, unless you’re stupid with your money such as I.

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